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Monday 11 February 2013

OMG : Seni Artistik Yang Menggelikan Dari Gelatin & Airbrush (6 Gambar)

Seni ukiran menggunakan gelatin dan airbrush ni telah dihasilkan oleh Evan Campbell. Beliau menggunakan sejenis gelatin yang merupakan bahan yang sama untuk membuat gummi bears. Bahan-bahan utama selain gelatin ialah gam, airbrush dan plaster. Jom kita tengok hasil kerja beliau ni. 

p/s : Geli n ngeri.. 

Sumber : Here


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

muke najib ngan rosmah xde ke?? 1st sial!!!

apahell said... Best Blogger Tips

dan bluerkkkk~
Hotel tanpa bintang, tapi nak tempah kena sebulan awal

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

nanti kite try buat?? SATU!!!!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

sial nye bn buat bnde2 mngarut jijik ni..
tukaq kerajaan

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Bodo2 jak komen dak leypeh lam blog tok tuyuk kitak org ya

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Attention seeker detected.
How foolish PR supporter to have this 'anon' with peanut sized brain to tease "tukar kerajaan" in almost every posting of akustressgiler blog.

What else to expect. Most of Pakatan Rakyat supporters are rebellious adult wannabe who might be lack of attention during their adolescence years with their parents. Seeking cheap attention, posting unrelated comment and always put a blame on someone else are common to them.

I really pity them. Really.


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

bodo x reti bersyukur..!! negara ko dah cukup aman kot!! x payah la nk wat huru hara.. x de adab nye manusia.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

ini semua salah bn..
tukaq kerajaan..

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

mazzer mohammad nie menyibuk sje...asal ak g blog mne2 jumpa ko....ko x malu promote blog sndiri kt blog org...puiii...ko memamg poyo

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