Jom kita tengok bagaimana rupa rumah berharga $85 Juta Di Beverly Hills.
1. Entrance

3. Infinity Pool

4. Front Gate

5. Formal Living Room

6. Dining Room

7. Library

9. Kitchen

11. A different angle of the previous room

12. Office

14. Staircase

15. Master Bathroom

16. Turkish Bath

17. Moroccan Room

18. Card Room

19. 5,000 Bottle Wine Cellar with Dining Room

20. Professional Screening Room

21. Backyard View

Fakta Tambahan :
The Estate
- 2.2 Acres
- All steel construction; imported Jerusalem Stone exterior
- 2 structures: main residence, guard house, approved plans and permits for a separate structure that is 5,000 square feet with separate entry and tennis court.
Main Residence - 48,000 square feet - 3 floors
- 2.2 Acres
- All steel construction; imported Jerusalem Stone exterior
- 2 structures: main residence, guard house, approved plans and permits for a separate structure that is 5,000 square feet with separate entry and tennis court.
Main Residence - 48,000 square feet - 3 floors
Main Level:
Reception hall, formal living room, formal dining room, informal dining room, informal family room with bar lounge, music room, library, double office suite, 4 powder rooms, lanai family room, rbeakfast room, butlers pantry, main kitchen and one staff bedroom and staff office. Garden suite has private access through gardens with outdoor bath.
Reception hall, formal living room, formal dining room, informal dining room, informal family room with bar lounge, music room, library, double office suite, 4 powder rooms, lanai family room, rbeakfast room, butlers pantry, main kitchen and one staff bedroom and staff office. Garden suite has private access through gardens with outdoor bath.
Lower Level:
5,000 bottle wine cellar with dining room, entrance hall with bar and entertainment area, grand ballroom (200-250) with commercial kitchen, professional screening room, his and her powder room, professional gymnasium, Moroccan room, guest room, game room, Turkish hammam, laundry room and equipment rooms.
5,000 bottle wine cellar with dining room, entrance hall with bar and entertainment area, grand ballroom (200-250) with commercial kitchen, professional screening room, his and her powder room, professional gymnasium, Moroccan room, guest room, game room, Turkish hammam, laundry room and equipment rooms.
Upper Level:
Master suite and sitting room, powder room and his and her sumptuous bathrooms, his morning office, her outdoor sitting area with fireplace and gardens, gentleman's dressing room with extensive closets, ladies dressing room with extensive closets, three family bedroom suites plus a second master suit with its own lanai, small gym, his and her closets.
Master suite and sitting room, powder room and his and her sumptuous bathrooms, his morning office, her outdoor sitting area with fireplace and gardens, gentleman's dressing room with extensive closets, ladies dressing room with extensive closets, three family bedroom suites plus a second master suit with its own lanai, small gym, his and her closets.
Staff Quarters:
2 bedrooms and two bathrooms over garage, in addition to the main level staff bedroom and office.
2 bedrooms and two bathrooms over garage, in addition to the main level staff bedroom and office.
Motor Court:
Secure open motor court that parks at least 20 cars, plus garage facilities, including two for limousine-length vehicles, gated service entrance.
Secure open motor court that parks at least 20 cars, plus garage facilities, including two for limousine-length vehicles, gated service entrance.
Grounds and Gardens:
8 rose gardens, 3 large fountains, and 4 fountains with sculptures, Park-like gardens for strolling, Swan pond at motor court entry, Private gated driveway, 280-degree city view.
8 rose gardens, 3 large fountains, and 4 fountains with sculptures, Park-like gardens for strolling, Swan pond at motor court entry, Private gated driveway, 280-degree city view.
Spa and Pool Pavilion:
70 foot infinity pool, 12 person spa, alfresco dining area, kitchen with pizza oven. Fireplaces, courtyard dining for 100 guests
70 foot infinity pool, 12 person spa, alfresco dining area, kitchen with pizza oven. Fireplaces, courtyard dining for 100 guests
Additional Amenities:
- 19 Fireplaces
- Elevator
- Commercial grade utility and entertainment systems throughout
- Professional security and TV monitoring system
- 19 Fireplaces
- Elevator
- Commercial grade utility and entertainment systems throughout
- Professional security and TV monitoring system
Asking Price
p/s : So amacam? Ader berani nak beli?? "Gaji" menteri dapat beli kot.. Hehe
Sumber :
kimak hell...3rd pun jd lah nak harom!!!!
mana hero kedah! hang jgn bt pelaq!
giler best! tak mampu! mampu berangan boleh ler..hehe
tak perlu berangan takhzan..syurga kan ada..
hell...aku p kencing td...2gelen keluaq ayaq tu yg lama...nak arom toi...aku tgu admin post dr pg td..pelaq admin bg hell jwtan untuk kali ni...mana ben xii n ikan bilis?nak harom sekalian...hell mmg suka kat dia...hell hang tgu..jgn duk bt pelaq g...hahaha
aku tak paham apa ko cakap mangkuk! mai translate ckit
the hell : bila hang nk tobat , hang tak takot mati kew -.- .. kitorang para anon2 semua dah siap2 buat persiapan majlis tahlil ni hah .. untuk hang besar besaran ..
cepat sikit mati ye .. hee ~
oi2 anon 15:30 biaq kau setel ngn hell...hangpa balaci bt cara balaci...aku kat hang terlampau pelaq hell...from kedah lah nak arom!!!!
cibai lu nak buat tahlil..bidaah tau..lagipun aku blum mati lagi sial...terserlah kebodohan hang..kalau ya pu cakap lah tolak bala..
baik ko takyah cakap ko dari kedah..buat malu negeri je..pui pui pui
kedah dn the hell adalh org yg sama..kesian..
ni lagi hantu kesian..aku mana reti cakap kedah..kau dari mana?
hang mmg bala tu kalau kat kedah sama ngn taik hang tau x hell...slalu kami anon2 berak keluaq hang...nak arom toi...hahaha...from kedah oi!!!
ok lah..aku nak chau dulu..nanti kita discuss lagi..bye2
oi2....sabaq semua anon2...biaq aku setel hell.. aku mai sini untuk melawan hell ben xii n ikan bilis...mana mangkuk lg dua tu?nak arom.... j3p ri3zla jgn bt kimek sini dow...
kau xpyh nk loghat kedah sgt pastu jadi anon kedah pstu kutuk dri sndri..aku nampak maruah kau letak kat kaki sndri..
komen kat atas ni penuh...start dari ats aku ada hnya 4 org sbnrnya mgkin 3..kau xmalu ke pada dri kau sndri
oi2...aku mmg org kedah nak arom..jgn sama kan aku ngn hell de kimeks bolh x?aku ketua anon dsini bai..jgn nk bt pelaq...
nk chau g mna the hell..atas ni bkn kau ke..
kalau buat tmpt main paintball best ni
just bermimpi jer la
pelag semua atas aku nih pelag barua anjing....sekian
oi2...anon 16:07...awat tiru gaya aku?pelaq nak arom
I'm bax kesian..kesian ada mangkuk yg cakap aku kedah..
apa yang best sangat kedah ooo wahai kedah..
ape kimeks hell...sbb kedah its my attd...femes dow aku rini...nak arom pelaq....yg aku apneh org samakan aku ngn hang plak...pelaq toi...
tak best.. mati kang kubo tetap sama dlm tanah
mana lah tau..mgkn sebab perangai kau cam cibai jg..pelaq? apa benda pelaq..pelaq hang cam butuh? betui tak ayat aku tu
kuto...ko lagi bodoh..yg ko cakap sama masuk kubo tapi promote entri lucah..ko sakit mental kah..tak takut mati?
macam haunted house pun ada.. seram jugak besar2 sangat.. xpela.. biar seadanya.. klu besar2 duduk setakat 2,3 org je watpe.. kan membazir sangat tu.. kat luar ramai orang tak berumah [mood sedih =(]
ayat kedah hang cam nak arom...hang org mana hell? jgn na kata ki el lak pelaq oi...
menyemak la pulak thehell ni.pnuh komen die je.skit mate tgok
the hell pki anon?? gile keji..makin buruk siak aku tgok die ni..xtau mlu ke
korang ni anon tak habis2 nak kutuk aku..mcm lah korang tu bagus sangat...siallllllllllllllll
bodoh betul lah si kedah ni..aku mmg bukan org kedah..sbb tu aku tanya ko pelaq tu apa maksudnya? binatang x cukup sifat mcm hang ke?...
org tu tulis bukan blog lucah..bebal xreti baca.jgn nk drama sgt the hell nk loghat org lain.
the hell ko mmg babi ko tau ???
pergi matilaaaaa ... booooooooooooooooooooooooo
The hell...
ape yg ko dapat eh ? buat publisiti murahan dekat sini ??
dapat populariti kerrr?? masuk tv ker?? kerrr masuk akhbar??
dekat the hell.. henti2kanlah buat benda yg tak senonoh kat sini . Sekali kau sakitkan hati seorang sedara seislam kau sendri . Kau dah berdosa n apalagi kalau orang yg ko kutuk tu tak maafkn kesilapan kau sampai ko masuk kubur kelak . Menjawab kat akhirat sanee ..
mungkin kau rase sekarang seronok sangat ! but bila dah sampai ajal kau nanti , baru kau rasa terseksa sangat !
aku nasihat sebab aku kesian tengok ko , ramai sangat maki2 n dok kutuk2 ko..
ni aku sediakan sepotong hadis untuk ko .
Sesungguhnya orang yang mengerjakan dosa, kelak akan diberi pembalasan (pada hari kiamat), disebabkan apa yang mereka telah kerjakan. (Al -An’am : 120)
jangan la the hell 2..
dia kena sawan gila babi..
aq harap dia mati bwah lori...
mcam anak haram..
tapi mmang anak haram kot dia 2...
doa dia bg mati cepat..amin...
klu gaduh nak beli rumah ni takpe la jgk
baik lah karen..aku terima nasihat saudara itu..tapi kenapa anda bergambar bogel? =,=''
The hell : Sekurang kurangnya aku jujur n tak penakot cm ko gune pic haiwan untuk tutup keburukan kn ko .. ye x ??
lagi satu , aku rase baik ko pergi klinik check mata ko btw aku rase mata ko ade problem sbb pix ni tak bogel pon .. :)
alhamdulillah...jujur tu sifat mulia..tidak pula saya meragui kata2 saudara..nasihat saudara saya terima..kenapa tidak saudara..malah saya hanya menegur..alangkah elok ditutupi aurat2 saudara tu..
@karen bejet cute bgambar xpkai baju...mcm bangang la ko gay!!
bersyukur dah ada tempat tinggal
kesian aku tengok orang atas atas aku ni....SEDDDDDDAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYHHHH SESANGAT
aku pon tak paham apa dorang mencaruTTTTTT kat cni... smuaaaaa mangkok AYUNNNNNNN!!!!
Aku tak faham apahal korang nak gaduh-2 kat sini . Korang gaduh pasal apa nih ? O.o
kedah mai tngah malm nak arom...hahaha...
kedah bodoh..
jgn lupa dtng bersih 3.0 28hb neh..
aku lg stress bace komen2 ni drpd tgok entry yg admin post....hahahhaa
its very cute. thanks too share.....
I love that idea. Awesome Post..
That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.
Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!
Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)
Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)
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