Monday 28 March 2011

Top Ten Mysteries In The History Of The World!

1. Crystal Skulls - Southern Mexico and Central America

Search ancient Mayan ruins throughout the jungles of southern Mexico and Central America for magical skulls. The legend cakap ada  13 crystal skulls, dipercayai sebagai containers of great wisdom and mankind’s destiny, were left behind by Mayan elders to be discovered by future generations.5 skulls dah jumpa — 1 in Belize’s Lost City of Lubaantun.

2. Nazca Lines - Nazca, Peru

Fly over enormous land figures — ada anjing, monyet dan 900 kaki (foot) burung yo!— along the southern coast of Peru. Although the lines are believed to have been created by the Nazca Indians some 2,000 years ago, no one is certain why or how they managed to produce such massive, complex forms. Some believe aliens created them as landing strips for their spacecraft. * smartttt....


3. Bermuda Triangle - Atlantic Ocean

Visit the 3 apexes — Miami, San Juan and Bermuda — of the infamous Bermuda Triangle. The triangle earned its deadly reputation due to the unexplained kehilangan 80 aircraft and 60 boats sejak 1975. Intense electrical forces and a tunnel-like cloud have been reported, but other theories include rapidly changing weather patterns and alien abduction. * ada jugak yang cakap kat sini tempat al-Dajjal tinggal..wallahualam...


4. Ark of the Covenant - Ethiopia

Join the greatest religious quest of our time. The search for the Ark of the Covenant, the golden container thought to hold the Ten Commandments, dates back to 586 B.C., when it vanished from King Solomon’s temple. Some scholars have speculated that the ark was brought to Ethiopia, while others believe the ark could be located in the Judean desert. * wickedddd....


 5. Oregon Vortex - Gold Hill, Oregon (A Place Where Gravity Has a Mind of Its Own.)

Experience an unexplainable force field just off Interstate 5 in southern Oregon. Native Americans called it the The Forbidden Ground, and in the early 1900s, scientists speculated that the land contained crossed magnetic lines that produced a strange force field. It’s been reported that the vortex can make things spin, create the illusion of a dramatic change in height, and other optical illusions.



 6. The Boston Strangler - Boston, Massachusetts

Investigate and catch the real Boston Strangler. Between 1962 and 1964, 11 women were found strangled to death in their Boston homes. Albert DeSalvo confessed to the killings, but discrepancies in his story and advances in DNA testing led authorities to re-open the case in 2001. 

Ni senarai mangsa die...*kejam oooo...ada nenek tua pun die tibai..gilerrrr...



First Stage (1962)

  • Anna E. Slesers, 56, sexually molested with unknown object and strangled with the cord on her bathrobe; found on June 14, 1962
  • Mary Mullen, 85, died from a heart attack but in the confession was said to have collapsed as the strangler grabbed her; found on June 28, 1962
  • Nina Nichols, 68, sexually molested and strangled with her nylon stockings; found on June 30, 1962
  • Helen Blake, 65, sexually molested and strangled with her nylon stockings; found on June 30, 1962
  • Ida Irga, 75, sexually molested and strangled; found on August 21, 1962
  • Jane Sullivan, 67, sexually assaulted and strangled with her nylon stockings; found on August 30, 1962

Second Stage (1962-1964)

  • Sophie Clark, 19, sexually assaulted and strangled with her nylon stockings; found on December 5, 1962
  • Patricia Bissette, 23, sexually assaulted and strangled with her nylon stockings; found on December 31, 1962
  • Mary Brown, 69, stabbed, strangled and beaten, found on March 9, 1963
  • Beverly Samans, 23, stabbed to death on May 8, 1963
  • Evelyn Corbin, 58, sexually assaulted and strangled with her nylon stockings; found on September 6, 1963
  • Joann Graff, 23, sexually assaulted and strangled on November 23, 1963
  • Mary Sullivan, 19, sexually assaulted and strangled with dark stockings; found on January 4, 1964
DeSalvo was sentenced to life in prison in 1967. In February of that year, he escaped with two fellow inmates from Bridgewater State Hospital, triggering a full scale manhunt. A note was found on his bunk addressed to the superintendent. In it DeSalvo stated that he had escaped to focus attention on the conditions in the hospital and his own situation. The next day he gave himself up. Following the escape he was transferred to the maximum security Walpole State Prison where he was found six years later stabbed to death in the infirmary. The killer or killers were never identified.

 So, sampai sekarang masih xtau sapa yg bunuh mangsa tu sama mcm kes no 10 nanti..jeng jeng ..... *Wicked!!!

7. The Loch Ness Monster - Inverness, Scotland
Spot Nessie in the Highlands of Scotland. After thousands of reported sightings and investigations, the Loch Ness Monster has been described as 15 – 40 feet long with 1 or several humps. Scientists speculate that it (if it truly exists) could be a prehistoric marine reptile with a long neck and flippers, while others believe it could be part of the eel family.

8. Crop Circles - Avebury, England

 Decipher gigantic, intricate patterns found in the wheat fields of a small farming community. Crop circles have appeared around the world, but over 100 have been reported in Avebury within the last 12 years. Explanations for these frequent formations include hoaxes, the wind, the military, lasers and the ever popular extraterrestrial messages.

9. Easter Island Statues - Easter Island

 Witness Polynesian giants 2,300 miles west of Chile and 2,500 miles southeast of Tahiti. When discovered in 1722, this 15-mile island was completely isolated and uninhabited except for 800 enormous statues. Their huge size and weight — some standing 30 feet tall and weighing over 75 tons — would have made them almost impossible to build and move. jadi??? siapa la yg rajin buat 800 patung batu yo??? ... amazing!!!


10. Jack the Ripper - London, England

Retrace the steps of the world’s most notorious serial killer. More than a century after the butchering of 5 prostitutes, the identity of Jack the Ripper remains a mystery. Visitors to London’s East End can still experience that autumn of terror on the original Jack the Ripper Walk. Smart lagi misteri!!! 

Tahniah kepada Encik Max Jinx kite, kerana die yg perkenalkan Orang Misteri ni dgn kiteorang masa study dulu..

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