Monday 28 March 2011

A Girl or A Doll ?

Okay, Me-X dah tension dan STRESS buat research yo pasal ni...dah berjam gua g cari kat Google etc, nak confirm sama ada cewek ni Doll ke or a real girl tpi dot dot perfect I tell you! heheh..

Sat sat sat ...ada lagi ni ....

Me-X syak wasangka (hahahaha) die ni doll, tpi bila gua tgk pic ni (below), keraguan mula terasa..hahah......Expression die terlampau real, authentic yo...

Ok, belum tamat lagi siaran langsung ni, ada lagi..Cuba you guys teka, yang ni doll ke tak? .. 

Okay, dah puas korang menelaah pics yg dot dot ??/ So, wat do u think? ni doll ke a girl? ...

Wang Jiayuan ..Itulah nama amoi ni..die bukan doll yo! She's real!! Die femes di Korea sebab rupa die macam Blow-up doll ..

Chinese female high school student Wang Jiayun has become famous on the Korean internet, for looking like an inflatable doll. Wang Jiayun is 164cm tall and weighs 42kg. Born in Kowloon of Hong Kong SAR, she currently resides in Shenzhen of Guangdong province, China. On the 16th and 17th of this month, her name ranked amongst the top search queries on various Korean portal websites.-Source

Me-X STRESS sebab tak dapat nak membezakan Doll or Girl ...harap2 pics yg first tdi tu Wang Jiayun jugak or memang manusia ..auwwwwwuuuuuuuu.....

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