Thursday 24 March 2011

Hour Glass LED Traffic Lights

Korang STRESS tak dgn traffic light kite skrang??? Mesti  STRESS kan yo...apakata kite usulkan kat YB, YAB utk tuka traffic light skrng dgn yang ni..

Designer Thanva Tivawong redesigned the typical traffic light. Traffic Light berbentuk jam pasir ni bukan saja visually appealing, but also very practical as now you can exactly predict  the next change of the lights. Aku rasa aku suka dan enjoy je while sitting in a traffic jam kalau ada traffic light cam gini..hahaa. So, would you replace the current classical stoplights with these new Sand Glass Traffic Lights?

"Undilah Saya, calon no 2, Calon no 2...bila saya menang nnti, kite tuka traffic light yo.."hahah
Credits to:

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