Thursday 24 March 2011

Harga HDD 5MB $1500 USD ?

“640K ought to be enough for anybody”Bill Gates 1981
“The cost for 128 kilobytes of memory will fall below U$100 in the near future”Creative Computing magazine 1981
Tu lah yang disebut oleh Bill Gates and majalah US tahun 80-an dulu..FYI, Lawak jugak info pasal iklan computer ni dan selain itu kita sedikit sebanyak tahu bagaimana teknologi masa tu baru nak berkembang. Before Me-X shows you all the Vintage Computer Ads That Used To Be Cool, ada 2 facts yang terlampau menarik:

1. The computer in your cell phone  already has more processing power than all the computers in the Apollo 11 Lunar Lander yang menghantar 2 orang lelaki ke Bulan pada tahun .... 1969 hingga 1972????

*So, maksudnya, kite sekarang leh g Bulan dgn menggunakan Iphone, HTC or even Nokia 3310?????? anytime? LOL

2. Did you know that the first HDD introduced in 1979 by Seagate was only 5 MB and cost ~ $1500 USD?
* Giler , Stressssss Me-X, mahal siot...5 MB? tu adalah saiz lagu mp3 yg kurang dr 320kbps yo!

 Okay, Jom tengok la iklan2 lama ni:

1. The Hard Disk You’ve Been Waiting For

2. Two Bytes Are Better Than One


3. Sexy Modem


4. 16K RAM Working Giant (hahahahaa....)


5. Color Computer


6. The Only Computer With Color and Sound ( Cool giler!!)


7. Original Use of an Apple


8. What the Heck is Electronic Mail?


9. Under $10k


 10. Compact and Mobile

 Credits to:


  1. hahha... best2.. keep it up!!.. aku dah bloglistkan blog stress ni :)

  2. Tq Zulfikar.. we will keep on improving our blogging skills, please continue to support us..^__^
