Sunday 20 March 2011

Genius Fingerpicking Guitarist - Igor Presnyakov

Ok.. now MaxJinx wants to introduce to all of you one of the most genius guitarists i have ever heard from Youtube. Mamat yg bernama Igor Presnyakov ini memang seorang guitarist yg sgt stress!! korang sebut je genre ape yg korang nak Bruno Mars? Lady Gaga? Metallica? Beethoven? AC/DC? Micheal Jackson? sume ade beb..confirm si Igor ni boleh bawak dalam versi Acoustic yang super amazing!! Yang buatkan aku amaze gler ng mamat ni adalah sebab die xperlu nyanyi pon..his guitar actually SINGS!!.. don't believe it?? listen on your own..

Cube korang dgr lagu Grenade versi acoustic from Igor.. CEKIDAUT! 

amacam?? dh meleleh air liur korang dgr?? ade byk lagi beb.. korang serch je sendiri kt Youtube.. aku pon dh subscribe channel mamat ni kt Youtube under the name Iggypres..   

These are some of my favourite covers from him..  

ape lagi..jom kita ramai2 subscribe.. STRESS!!
 credits to  Iggypres


  1. wow stail blog mce blog S*RI*S jah!!!

  2. sungha jung lagi best dr igor ni....

  3. blom tgk naudo lgi...tgk la naudo kt youtube ...superb gempak maaaa

  4. try tngk shungha jung
