Monday 12 August 2013

Hebat : [Video] Nenek Berusia 90 Tahun Pecah Rekod Dunia 100 Meter!

Bulan lepas, Turbo Granny dari Jepun telah memecahkan rekod dunia pecut 100 meter bagi kategori 90 tahun keatas. Rekod tersebut telah dipecahkan di  30th Kyuushu Masters Athletics Championship Series pada 28 Julai lalu. Nenek yang bernama Mitsu itu telah menghabiskan larian 100 meter dalam masa 23.8 saat.

 p/s : Superb... 

Sumber : Here


  1. ~ pok su kocak rasa nenek ni atau org klate kato,,.tok mung,.,.makan pil kude ni,.,kurang2 sekandang pil kudo~

    ~anon pok su kocak~

  2. Anon 18:OO kuat kocak peseng...
    Narak namo pon pok su kocak..

  3. Hebat..
    Laju jugak..utk org di usia emas...
    Keep it up..

  4. sy nk kongsi stu msalah nie..harap annon2 sume tolong deh..

    sy nie esok dah nk pndangn korang lah kn..mlm hari kawin tuh kire mlm prtame elok ke sy buat sex ngn bini sy ? bkn ap..tkot bini sy jerit denga smpai ke luar dah lah geram kt die..brpuluh thun jugak dok kocak dlm blik sorang2..mau brape round ngn die..tkot die bising mengeram pndapat korang lah kn..elok sy ngn bini sy tuh just kissing2 n rabe2 cium kelentit n konek je ke mlm pertame tuh or tggu balik umah sndiri bru main puas2 ??

    tlg sy selesaikan mslah nie...tq mudah

  5. Justin Timberlake Mirrors is a song from the the album "The 20/20 Experience".

    "Mirrors" by Justin Timberlake is listed #11 in the Hot 100 Billboard charts.

    [Verse 1]
    Aren't you somethin' to admire, cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror
    And I can't help but notice, you reflect in this heart of mine
    If you ever feel alone and the glare makes me hard to find
    Just know that I'm always parallell on the other side

    Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul
    I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go
    Just put your hand on the glass, I'll be tryin' to pull you through
    You just gotta be strong

    Cause I don't wanna lose you now
    I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
    The vacancy that sat in my heart
    Is a space that now you hold
    Show me how to fight for now
    And I'll tell you baby, it was easy
    Comin' back into you once I figured it out
    You were right here all along
    It's like you're my mirror
    My mirror staring back at me
    I couldn't get any bigger
    With anyone else beside of me
    And now it's clear as this promise
    That we're making two reflections into one
    Cause it's like you're my mirror
    My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me

    [Verse 2]
    Aren't you somethin', an original, cause it doesn't seem merely assembled
    And I can't help but stare cause I see truth somewhere in your eyes
    I can't ever change without you, you reflect me, I love that about you
    And if I could, I would look at us all the time

    Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul
    I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go
    Just put your hand on the glass, I'll be tryin' to pull you through
    You just gotta be strong

    Cause I don't wanna lose you now
    I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
    The vacancy that sat in my heart
    Is a space that now you hold
    Show me how to fight for now
    And I'll tell you baby, it was easy
    Comin' back into you once I figured it out
    You were right here all along
    It's like you're my mirror
    My mirror staring back at me
    I couldn't get any bigger
    With anyone else beside of me
    And now it's clear as this promise
    That we're making two reflections into one
    Cause it's like you're my mirror
    My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me

    Yesterday is history
    Tomorrow's a mystery
    I can see you lookin' back at me
    Keep your eyes on me
    Baby, keep your eyes on me

    Cause I don't wanna lose you now
    I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
    The vacancy that sat in my heart
    Is a space that now you hold
    Show me how to fight for now
    And I'll tell you baby, it was easy
    Comin' back into you once I figured it out
    You were right here all along
    It's like you're my mirror
    My mirror staring back at me
    I couldn't get any bigger
    With anyone else beside of me
    And now it's clear as this promise
    That we're making two reflections into one
    Cause it's like you're my mirror
    My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me

    [Hook 2] x10
    You are you are the love of my life

    [Verse 3]
    Baby you're the inspiration for this precious song
    And I just wanna see your face light up since you put me on
    So now I say goodbye to the old me, it's already gone
    And I can't wait wait wait wait wait to get you home
    Just to let you know, you are

    [Hook 2] x8
    You are you are the love of my life

    [Verse 4]
    Girl you're my reflection, all I see is you
    My reflection, in everything I do
    You're my reflection and all I see is you
    My reflection, in everything I do

    [Hook 2] x16
    You are you are the love of my life

  6. batak justin timberlake tubik doh

    ~anon poksu kocak~

  7. wei anon sial 22:15 kalau xnak bini ko menjerit,.malam pertama ko call aku,aku usung bini ko,.,gile seks,.budak2 lagi dah pandai tanya soklan bukan2,.salah umno la ni tunjuk video lucah dalam tv3suku pundek.ko melancap sudah lah,.bini bagi aku setel,.apa macam?

    ~anon pok su kocak return~

    1. Wei Anon 22:41..poksu kocak nie gila sunguh lah...dia cuma mntak pndapat.bgi jea la pndapat...kau nk mncarut tu apehal ...lagi pn dia nk buat sex halal kot dgn bini dia..

  8. cute la muka nenek yang lari tu..nang antap koh..apsal nenek tu tak peace tym camera mbik pix..

  9. Hehehe love nenek
    Fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap

  10. tak tahu nak cakap apa dah, nampak admin seolah2 out of control dengan segala kandungan dalam komen yang langsung tidak matang

  11. kebabian apakah ini ?? komen macam orang xde agama !!
