Thursday 22 November 2012

Cool : [Video] Anonymous Godam Hampir 600 Laman Web Israel Sebagai Balasan Serangan Ke Atas Gaza

Ketika tentera Israel menyerang Gaza minggu lepas, dan pada masa yang sama mengumumkan akan mematikan internet di kawasan terlibat, Anonymous telah pun mengumumkan akan melaksanakan OpIsrael, dan kini kelihatan ratusan laman web Israel digodam,alamat emel dan kata laluan yang turut disebarkan ke internet.

      "Greetings World.

    For far too long, Anonymous has stood by with the rest of the world and watched in despair the barbaric, brutal and despicable treatment of the Palestinian people in the so called "Occupied Territories" by the Israel Defense Force. Like so many around the globe, we have felt helpless in the face of such implacable evil. And today's insane attack and threatened invasion of Gaza was more of the same.

    But when the government of Israel publicly threatened to sever all Internet and other telecommunications into and out of Gaza they crossed a line in the sand. As the former dictator of Egypt Mubarack learned the hard way - we are ANONYMOUS and NO ONE shuts down the Internet on our watch. To the IDF and government of Israel we issue you this warning only once. Do NOT shut down the Internet into the "Occupied Territories", and cease and desist from your terror upon the innocent people of Palestine or you will know the full and unbridled wrath of Anonymous. And like all the other evil governments that have faced our rage, you will NOT survive it unscathed.

    To the people of Gaza and the "Occupied Territories", know that Anonymous stands with you in this fight. We will do everything in our power to hinder the evil forces of the IDF arrayed against you. We will use all our resources to make certain you stay connected to the Internet and remain able to transmit your experiences to the world. As a start, we have put together the Anonymous Gaza Care Package - - which contains instructions in Arabic and English that can aid you in the event the Israel government makes good on it's threat to attempt to sever your Internet connection. It also contains useful information on evading IDF surveillance, and some basic first aid and other useful information. We will continue to expand and improve this document in the coming days, and we will transmit it to you by every means at our disposal. We encourage you to download this package, and to share it with your fellow Palestinians to the best of your ability.

    We will be with you. No matter how dark it may seem, no matter how alone and abandoned you may feel - know that tens of thousands of us in Anonymous are with you and working tirelessly around the clock to bring you every aid and assistance that we can.

    We Are Anonymous
    We Are Everywhere
    We Are Legion
    We Do Not Forgive
    We Do Not Forget
    To the oppressors of the innocent Palestinian people, it is too late to EXPECT US"

Daripada akaun Twitter @YourAnonNews, antara perkembangan semasa yang dikongsikan, adalah termasuk berkenaan pangkalan data Bank of Jerusalem yang dipadam, selain laman web kementerian Israel.

Nak tahu senarai laman web Israel yang telah digodam tu, boleh tengok kat sini - #OpIsrael

p/s : Respek!! 

Sumber : Here


  1. ye attack lagi anon2 hackers... bukan anon kat blog yer hehehe

    btw jom join contest ni, cara penyertaan mudah sangat, mana tau leh dapat hadiah thumbdrive 8gb/16gb... klik je kat sini

  2. Ya Allah please save palestine .

  3. hapuskan israel laknatullah..

  4. akhirnya anon menjadi hero.. ahaks..

  5. wow... luv u anon hackers!..we're fully support .. glad n proud , dat someone stood up for gaza...may Allah with u.. peace!


  6. tu lahh kebaikn anon , go2 anon berjuang utk kebaikan !!!! hahahaha
