Sunday 10 June 2012

WTF : [Video] Gadis Lahirkan Bayi Waktu Tengah Berjalan Di Istanbul

Seorang remaja telah melahirkan bayi semasa berjalan di sebuah lorong sekitar  Bağcılar, Istanbul. Dia kemudian membiarkan bayi tersebut di atas lorong pejalan kaki. Bayi yang dibiarkan ini telah ditemui oleh pejalan kaki yang lain dan terus membuat laporan polis. Kini bayi ini tengah dirawat di hopsital dan keadaaannya adalah normal.


  1. orang lain nak bersalin separuh mati nak meneran..keluarkan baby..dia blh selamba je kuar masa tgh jalan..kuasa Allah

  2. aik,cam pelik sbb takde tali pusat?

  3. Omg..slamber je jalan..mb trus kuar ngan uri kot cuz she was at standing position..or die mmg dah melahir kt tmpt len,then kepit baby tuh kt kangkang or spy xobvious cm buang anak..arr..stress..nsb baby tuh hidup lgi..cian die..

  4. nape mak die lari..xkn x kcian kt baby uh..isk2

  5. Admin ni cikgu kn.kdg2 x phm aku ayat yg admin ni guna.mcm t'gantung pun ada.admin ckp ibu bapa & remaja tu jln ke hosital,then bayi tu keluar..krg phm la admin.laen kali,edit dulu br post ye..

  6. A teenage girl gave birth to a child as she was walking down a street in Istanbul's Bağcılar district and then left the newborn baby on the pavement.The 16-year-old reportedly informed her parents about her pregnancy that night and they were walking to the hospital when she delivered the baby on the pavement.

    The baby was later discovered by a child passing by, and locals immediately alerted authorities. Police officers arrived soon after and took the abandoned baby to a hospital.
    The baby is in good health and will be passed on to the Social Services and Child Protection Agency when released from hospital

  7. aku tggu dan fikir..xde sapa terus dapatkan bayi tu..balut dia ke..nmpk pompuan tu bukak tudung ingat nak terus angkat baby tu..dibiarkannya..heran aku nagn diorang ni???

  8. Mungkin perempuan tu mmg nk angkat bayi tu tp mungkin dia xbrani nk pegang bayi tu.. lgpn undang2 kt arab lg strict dr kita.. kang xpsl2 dia pgang bayi tu, polis than dia k.. sbb tu perempuan tu trus balut bayi tu masa laz dpt selimut dr ambulans n slps polis ambik pic bayi tu..
