Thursday 3 May 2012

Serius : [Video] Kenapa Wanita Hidup Lebih Lama Daripada Lelaki (Mumbai)

Kenapa Wanita Hidup Lebih Lama Daripada Lelaki (Mumbai)
Video di Mumbai serba sedikit menerangkan sebahgian daripadanya. 

Porque as mulheres vivem mais que os homens by TaBonito


  1. ape la admin ne sala tajuk tu. dlm video tu aku tgk "Why men live longer than women" tapi admin tulis "kenapa wanita hidup lebih lama daripada lelaki". is it because men live longer than woman because of men's brave? is that it?

  2. gila punya scaffold..ppe pun tak da..tunggu masa nak mampos..I thought India has many experts in civil engineering, but after all they are just a bunch of greedy people wanting for more money only, the politicians are the worst..fcuk to the world..oyeah

  3. May Allah Bless him with jannah

  4. anak aku cakap mat salleh..oiiii org kampung, anak aku spek...spekerm..speaking(rujuk kamus)...

  5. admin salah translate ke??dalam video tulis why men live longer than women tp tajuk kenapa wanita hidup lebih lama daripada lelaki... @_@

  6. bengap nya korg ni. admin saja terbalikan tajuk tu.. napa pmpuan hidup lbh lama dr laki?? sbb pmpuan x wat keja mcm yg laki buat. salah 1 cth keja mcm kat lam vdeo tu. keja tu kan keja bunuh diri, klo ada life insurance xpa la jgk. ni ikat kayu kat bangunan tinggi mcm tu, xda safety langsung. silap aribulan terjatuh, rasa2 idop lg x?? lu pikir la sendiri...
