Thursday 10 May 2012

Serius : Jepun Hasilkan Bra Ais Untuk Gadis Sejukkan Diri Pada Musim Panas (4 Gambar)

Jepun Hasilkan Bra Ais Untuk Gadis Sejukkan Diri Pada Musim Panas.
Bra ini dipanggil 'Super Cool Gra' dan mempunyai bungkusan ais dalamnya yang mampu menyejukkan gadis yang memakainya.Mari lihat sendiri rupa Bra ini. 


  1. Wahh . Menarik .

  2. beku la susu cap gantung dia tu..haha

  3. kat m'sia yg panas sepanjang taun ni pun xde sape nk prihatin akan nasib awek kita yg terpaksa berpanas kopek selama 365 hari.. :D

    mujur org jepun prihatin..!!! hahaha

  4. cramp la puting die.

  5. The stars lean down to kiss you
    And I lie awake I miss you
    Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere
    Cause I’ll doze off safe and soundly
    But I’ll miss your arms around me
    I’ll send a postcard to you dear
    Cause I wish you were here

    I watch the night turn light blue,
    But it’s not the same without you
    Because it takes two to whisper quietly
    The silence isn’t so bad
    Till I look at my hands and feel sad
    Cause the spaces between my fingers
    Are right where yours fit perfectly

    I’ll find repose in new ways
    Though I haven’t slept in two days
    Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone
    But drenched in Vanilla twilight
    I’ll sit on the front porch all night
    Waist deep in thought because when I think of you
    I don’t feel so alone
    I don’t feel so alone
    I don’t feel so alone

    As many times as I blink I’ll think of you… tonight
    I’ll think of you tonight

    When violet eyes get brighter
    And heavy wings grow lighter
    I’ll taste the sky and feel alive again
    And I’ll forget the world that I knew
    But I swear I won’t forget you
    Oh if my voice could reach back through the past
    I’d whisper in your ear
    Oh darling I wish you were here

    I love you Blogger Julian
    I Love you Blogger Nik Razlin

  6. Apesal gay atas aku ni??? Awex kanan tu naked, x pakai seluar dalam...

  7. nohorommm
    aku nak 1...
    tp disng dya cm murah gila

  8. mun ku tauk fb ko hell..siap ko..baruk belaja d cnun alu kaka cnun la..puiiii..

  9. muke xlawa xboleh fap fap fap


  10. pehhh...mesti steammm selalu ni....

  11. Xde plak kluarge berok yg slalu post 1st la 2nd la...bangang punye berok

  12. Hidup bagaikan pentas opera
    Tirai hidup dibuka
    Cerita pun bermula
    Oh oh oh oh

    Hidup bagaikan pentas opera
    Muzik hidup bergema
    Asyik insan bermula
    Oh oh oh oh

    Lakonkan dengan semangat kejujuran
    Sinarilah hatimu oh kesucian
    Oh rempuh api kepalsuan
    Pastikan keadilan
    Pastikan jaya

    Hidup bagaikan pentas opera
    Rentak lakon bermula
    Siapakah wiranya
    Oh oh oh oh

    Kita kecewa dan menderita
    Lumrah alam biasa
    Pastikah kau wiranya
    Oh oh oh oh

    Lakonkan penuh bersemangat wira
    Pastikan langkahmu oh keyakinan
    Oh leburkan ketidak-adilan
    Pastikan kedamaian
    Pastikan jaya
