Sunday 20 May 2012

Fakta : Malaysia Antara 10 Negara Dengan Internet Terlembab di Dunia

Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan Google terhadap kepantasan loading laman web pada komputer desktop dan peranti mudah alih bergerak (mobile phone) di negara-negara di dunia pada awal April lalu, Malaysia menempati kedudukan antara 10 negara dengan kepantasan internet paling lambat baik menggunakan komputer desktop, mahupun mobile phone.
Berikut senarai 10 Negara dengan capaian Internet Terpantas dan Terlembab pada 2012:

10 Negara dengan Internet Terpantas di Desktop Komputer

    Republik Slovakia (3.3s)
    Korea Selatan (3.5s)
    Republik Chech (3.7s)
    Belanda (3.9s)
    Jepun (4s)
    Denmark (4.3s)
    Switzerland (4.3s)
    Sweden (4.5s)
    Belgium (4.6s)
    Norway (4.8s)
10 Negara dengan Internet Terlambat di Desktop Komputer

     10. Chile (10s)
       9. Colombia (10.2s)
       8. Peru (11.7s)
       7. Brazil (11.8s)
       6. Argentina (12.8s)
       5. Malaysia (14.3s)
       4. Venezuela (14.9s)
       3. India (15.1s)
       2. Filipina (15.4s)
       1. Indonesia (20.3s)
10 Negara dengan Internet Terpantas di Mobile Phone

    Korea Selatan (4.8s)
    Denmark (5.2s)
    Hong Kong (5.9s)
    Norway (6s)
    Sweden (6.1s)
    Estonia (6.2s)
    Republik Chech (6.3s)
    Jepun (6.4s)
    Romania (7.5s)
    Republik Slovakia (7.6s)

 10 Negara dengan Internet Terlambat di Mobile Phone

     10. Malaysia (12.7s)
       9. Indonesia (12.9s)
       8. Singapura (12.9s)
       7. Mexico (14.1s)
       6. Brazil (15.8s)
       5. Argentina (16.3s)
       4. India (16.4s)
       3. Thailand (17.4s)
       2. Arab Saudi (21.2s)
       1. United Arab Emirates (26.7s)

p/s : Bila la Malaysia nak dapat internet laju.. hmm

Sumber : here


  1. internet 20Mbps pun ramai xmampu, jgn tanya nak lagi laju.. tanya bila malaysia nak lg kaya dulu

  2. Rasanye Malaysia cuma akan kaya bila semua ada cincin permata hasil menabung

  3. buat sendiri..haha

  4. dah dpat online pon, jadilah...bersyukurlah...janji ada internet....

  5. what is good with the high speed internet connection?..maybe it is good for making the society more mentally and socially impaired with the social networking (fb.itch), easy access to vast information to complete the assignments but most of the time didnt appreciate the knowledge contents resulting plagiarism to be legit, until such extent even the scholars do not care anymore and plunge into the misconduct themselves. Downloading pirated content and porn at ease to satisfy the lust of being forever alone, wasting time for some immoral act and being stupidly useless for the rest of life. Channelling lies and fraudulent skims for those who are stupid enough to believe that they can be rich out of thin air..Things like these expanding proportionally with the expansion of stupidity in the society..until the stupidity vanished, only then the technology will be appraised

  6. haha si monyet bajet power ckp omputih pdhl copy paste dr internet je..haha..monyet loser..

  7. you are one of them; some mentally rotten mind who only asserts that people most of the time copying contents from the internet just to look good at other eyes..and the ans is no..I appreciate the knowledge endowed by god to me..

  8. miss me syaz..I cant sleep just by thinking of your face, I cant eat just by knowing that you use a whole tube of hair gel, and I'm not wet enough when taking shower just by knowing you a heart broken to pieces when you are not by my side..puihk

  9. puihhh ko., geli-geliman aq bce..dasar gay., kenapa sume org cop aq gay & bapok.??? rse hidop ini mcm x bermakna lagi.. :(

  10. aku tau ko jantan syaz alexandRIA

  11. negara yg xde internet??xbersyukur la belajar tinggi2 jd engineer bawak masuk teknologi baru..nie kerja kilang mau internet laju2..

  12. Masalahnyer the price, memang epic fail la. Even yang paling laju tu pun very limited x leh download manyak2, memang fail la.

  13. ptt la, bukak guna mobile lmbt skit, intrnet mmg lmbat, huhu! byr bil mahal tiap2 bulan, huhu!

  14. fuck you monyet the hell..
    macam kau x...
    penipu macam babi ar tak pernah tengok porn, x pernah nengok movie pirated.guna internet utk bende ilmu je, tapi gune internet layan blog ni jugak...bodo punye monyet..

  15. tenet laju xsmestinye tgk porn...juz maen game n layan youtube for common sense dhla slow..lagging...caj mahal plak la yg duk mencarut2 tenet lembab la...jd vandalism la..duk hempap keyboard la..baling pasu keluar tingkap la..cerai rumahtangga bub kalah dota la cm bagai

  16. ko suarakan la apa yg ko taip tu..taip2 omputih g..

  17. aku bersyukur dpt surf tenet xkira lmbt atau cepat.sekurang2nya aku juga menikmati sebahagian perkembangan dunia.

  18. unifi terbaikkk

  19. unifi kaya boleh la ckp trbek...barbie...
