Thursday 22 March 2012

Sadis : Rupa Gadis Yang Cuba Bunuh Diri Kerana Masalah Cinta (8 Gambar)

Seorang gadis sering cuba bunuh diri dan kemudian muat naik gambar ke dalam forum China. Dia telah memcuba banyak kali tetapi setiap kalinya gagal kerana........ Admin tak pasti sama ada dia masih hidup atau mati tetapi ini adalah mesej dia :
"I was a child born in 1992, I think there is a serious self-flagellation tendency . Every time there is a problem, I think of death. New Year's , I and my boyfriend broke up. I once again thought of the word death but I am afraid of the pain. Therefore, it has up to now I have not died yet. Ridiculous, right? Please friends encourage me, let me be the end of the bar! I will live here, the process of my death! "


  1. xde sapa yg 1st ke....???

  2. enth2 kne histeria ke ape .. mne laa tahu ..

  3. muka pun bleh thn...
    p niat bunuh diri wat ape...
    mai kat abg,...
    abg snggup terima kamu...

  4. ni namanye BODOH

  5. bajet emo menda nya . neraka sana

  6. if u want to die, don't tell the whole world k...just die in a silent peace n don't ever try to attract the public's attention...u know, if i m rite beside u now, i'll look into ur eyes n say "Just die as how u want. Don't ask me to give u a sense of sympathy!" U know, DEATH cannot settle our problems.!!! Try to settle the problem,, don't escape from it!!!

  7. R.i.p to girl

  8. putus cinta jer bunuh diri.. apa da.. xder benda lain ke nk buat. BODOH minah ni. klo nk mati p la mati. who cares..

  9. knapa lah perempuan zaman skrg ni fikir mati jer..
    diaorg lelaki kat luar sana senang2 jer cari permpuan lain.... yg budak ni nak mati sangat kenapa???!! nanti masuk neraka tau... and 1 lagi bunuh diri ni biasanya syaitan paling suka... tuhan tak suruh pun manusia buat mcm ni, tp benda cm ni boleh ambil keputusan walaupun hati luka... aku pun faham jugak sal perasaan ni.. tp kdg2 kalau nak difikirkan balik... perjalanan masih panjang and boleh enjoy lagi... hal cinta jgn lah diambil serius, kalau ambil serius hbis lah... melainkan kalau dua2 faham dengan keadaaan pasangan masing2...

  10. budak memang belum matang, sering mengambil keputusan utk menamatkan riwayat nyawa sendiri... kalau matang mungkin akan berfikir untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam percintaan... betul tak admin... cinta ni mcm cinta monyet...
    mcm monyet lah... kalau dah dapat bunga cantik, tp tak ada erti bagi dia... jadi monyet tu buang..bila dah buang bunga pun jadi rosak dan layu lah... mcm tu juga manusia....

  11. Ni boyfren dy lari pasal prgai dy cmni,tkut kut, xpasal2 dy bnuh bf dy.baik lari sblum dbnuh

  12. tgk dari segi kedalaman luka n keadaan luka... die nih x mati... kalo mati pun die x keluar gi mana2 n berkurung lebih dari 4 ari...

    moral of story :- nak bunuh diri pun biar berilmu... kan dah sakitkan bdn...

  13. Thanks for sharing post – much appreciated and now following you! Looking forward to your Post....

  14. Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!.....

  15. its very cute. thanks too share.....

  16. Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!.....

  17. Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)

  18. That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.
