Friday 9 March 2012

OMG : Melawat Ke Hospital Psikiatri Di Sao Paolo, Brazil (16 Gambar)

Gambar-gambar ini telah ditangkap oleh Claudio Edinger di sebuah Hospital Psikiatri di Sao Paolo, Brazil. Tidak perlu caption, gambar ini telah menceritakan bagaimana kehidupan di dalam hospital tersebut. Jom kita tengok..

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i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

i2fun, funny photos, crazy photos gallery, hot damn pictures, amazing photos, cool pictures, hot celebs photos, sexy chicks photo

Read more: Here


  1. dasyatnya..Alhamdulillah aku dilahirkan berakal..btw 1sttt

  2. D layan sebegini??? Di biarkan tnpa seurat benang?? Kejam nye!!

  3. kesian sgt sgt...='(

  4. i think,it is not tht they leave thm without clothes but d patients itslf dnt wnt to wear it n if the worker there enrobe thm wth clothes they will jst tear it away..

  5. aku tg0k pn jd nk gila..stress sgt

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @amoy nara

    rasanya sebab diorang sendiri taknak pakai kot..

    salah reply pulak td.

  8. kesian..tapi mereka sume tidak berdosa..wallahualam...

  9. ahli2 syurga nieyh....

  10. sengaja bg pic black & white supaya nampak lebih menyeramkan. huhuhu...

  11. The importance of maintaining good mental health is crucial to living a long and healthy life. Good mental health can enhance one’s life, while poor mental health can prevent someone from living a normal life.

  12. arrrrggggghhh aku giler stress

  13. alhamdulillah aku dilahirkn sempurna..amin~kecian drg sume..

  14. omo, teringat plak citer Grave Encounters..tempat camnila..

  15. ptot org yg gle ske komen 1st je msuk dlm hospital ni

  16. pic 8..panjang betul..

  17. ermm...bersyukur jd rakyat m'sia...semua kebajikan terjaga...
