Tuesday 21 February 2012

OMG : Pencuci Mulut Paling Mahal Berharga $34,440 (2 Gambar)

Dessert yang bernilai $34,440 ini hanyalah sejenis puding yang dihias menggunakan bahan-bahan yang mahal. Berikut merupakan bahan-bahan yang membuatkan puding ini menjadi mahal gila babeng. 

1. Satu lapisan "daun emas" yang boleh dimakan.
2. Satu lapisan jeli champagne
3. Setiap lapisan puding ni pulak diorang guna 4 jenis coklat Belgian terbaik yang ada kombinasi rasa oren, peach dan whiskey.
4. Ceri kat atas tu hiasan biasa ja, tapi yang bagi harga dia mahal tu sebab diorang guna hiasan berlian 2 karat kat atas puding tu!

p/s : Bagus jual, pastu guna duit tu bagi kanak-kanak kat Afrika tu makan. Tahan sebulan kot. 

Sumber : Here


  1. jadi taik jugak nnt

  2. baik niat kau obe :)

  3. indeed, why would we blindly trash our fortune for some stupid matters, buying foods that cause hundreds of thousand, building mansions, or buying more than 1 supercars etc, if we can give it to the poor and ends the poverty in 3rd world countries. However, this is not always the case, even if each of the rich country write a check worth 10 trillion ringgit to Africa, it will still not ends the poverty. Our understanding of poverty cannot justify the real problem solving of poverty, we see it as "if we give more money to them, then problem is solved". We agreed that poverty is the lack of money, isnt it. I see poverty is more as a ramification for the lack of money but not the root cause of the problem. Rather poverty is more subjective to the economics , and the challenges behind eliminating poverty is more complex than what we can imagine. Money is not a solution..

  4. anon 20:54, ni bukan blog obe laa.

  5. owh cini pown ade OBE!

  6. lololol blog obe

  7. @thehellwiththeworldtoday-_-1st money can be a solution tho..
    ok without money, proper organization management cannot be established. A proper organization management is needed in these 3rd world countries so they can develop like the other countries.
    The situation here just like the relation between poverty and environmental problems in certain countries. As example, poor people in India live in slump thus contribute to river pollution as they have no money to build a proper sewage system.

  8. tetap haram..ade unsur arak..wallahualam

  9. utk yg bukan islam dah xpyh bli cincin nk propose.. bg jela dessert nih...

  10. bukan ker entry ni admin dh post dlu???
