Tuesday 3 January 2012

Serius : Kebenaran Sebenar Mengenai Isu 'Pengislaman' Kaka di Dubai (10 Gambar)

Heboh satu dunia mengenai isu 'Kaka converted to Islam' selepas gambar yang bertarikh 26 Disember 2011 tersebar luas di Internet. Dalam gambar tersebut, kelihatan Kaka dan isterinya (memakai hijab) tengah menghadiri majlis pengenalan Islam di sebuah Masjid Dubai. Sebenarnya, Kaka bersama keluarganya ke Masjid Bastakiya di Dubai tetapi bukanlah untuk masuk Islam hanya sekadar untuk lawatan. Segala, khabar angin yang tersebar dejak dua hari lepas adalah tidak benar. Kaka baru menafikannya di dalam twitternya serta facebook fanpagenya : Kaka

Mari ktia lihat gambar Kaka bersama Keluarganya semasa di Dubai :
“Dubai is a wonderful city and one of the nicest in the world. I am honoured to be here for the family holiday. I thank the DTCM for the wonderful opportunity given to me to visit the emirate. I am overwhelmed with the hospitality I enjoyed here and we plan to come again to Dubai soon,” said Kaka.

via : ohbola


  1. moga2 dia dapat hidayah kat ctu or familynye kew..aminnn

  2. He's christian and he's proud of being one! All these crap speculations was made by the one always thought that thir religion is better than others!

  3. bgus mcm die, respek agame lain at the same time die sgt2 religious.semoge ade hikmah die g dubai tu...^_^

  4. yo buddy...of course we think our religion is the best..bcause it is religion..dont you?

  5. masa bace pasal kaka ni dulu aku mmg tau dia tak convert islam. sebab biase la tu pergi dengar taklimat mengenai other religions, especially org macam kaka ni jenis yg kuat agama (agama die le). mungkin orang ajak dia pegi dengar masa kt dubai tu. tp bukan bermakna dia trus masuk islam.

    tp aku doakan semoga die diberi hidayah. sbb biasnye yg org2 convert ni, dorang mmg asalnye kuat agama gak dorang ni sblm tu.

  6. yes, and because of that u have all the 'ethnocentrism' at the back of your head, acting that your rlgion is better, and others are not. u always think that u are better and superior than others. well done, keep thinking that way because it's only you who lives in this world, dont care about unity and othr ppl. becuz u r perfect!

  7. Hanya orang yg berakal sempurna..akan diberikan petunjuk.. semoga Allah mengiringinya ke jalan yg benar. Amin...

  8. pe lak prob anonymous 22:28 nih?
    yes..all ppl always think their own rlgion is better...sme as u rite?? btw tq cuz saying we r perfect.. :)

  9. im christian, i think my religion is good..well other also good, for their own, so..ok lor..no prob..draw..hoho
