Saturday 16 April 2011

Seni Sequence Photography

Yo, Me-X jumpa benda berseni lagi...Aritu, aku post pasal Lighting Graffiti kan, this time aku post pasal Seni Sequence Photography pulak..

Seni Sequence Photography ni adalah seni meng-snap pics yang berturutan di mana subjek / model kite tu sedang bergerak. Bila kita create a sequence photo, cameraman tu perlu snap smua action si model tu..
Satu cara untuk buat seni sequence photography ni adalah dgn "shoot quickly a series of separate frames and combine them together later with the help of photo shop. "

Ni adalah contoh2 nye...

 *(atas) smart!!

*(atas) Stress aku tengok pic ni...hahahaha...

*(atas) Aku semakin stress!!!! giler hebat...


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