Thursday 14 April 2011

Emma Watson VS Kristen Stewart

Aku (Me-X) minat Emma Watson (actually, I like Hermione in the Harry Potter, wish she was real..haha) and aku anti Kristen stewart .. expression macam tu jeeeeeee (muka stim) and aku anti twlight sebab cite die bodoh, vampire pulak berkilat bak diamond bila kena matahari (WT fish)...hahahahah *sorry for being too honest..hahaha

these pics are the prove that Emma Watson or Hermione is far better than Kristen muka stim...

HAHAHAA...well, what do you think? it's quite accurate right. Not sure? pergi tengok movie ngok ngek tu, sama je expression die...hahahah...

hermione !! hermione...hahaha


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