Friday 15 April 2011

Are you this kind of STUDENT??

New School Semester 
38724042xy1 gif

At First Week:         
46022718qw0 gif

At the second week:
73860124hh9 gif

Before Mid-term test
70248010qy8 gif

During Mid-term test
51684533rb1 gif

After the mid-term test:
16593617tz0 gif

Before the final exam:
58696569yj2 gif

Once know the final exam schedule
 98267951hr5 gif

 7 days before final exam:
 14179412xo6 gif

 6 days before final exam:
 48449407ge9 gif

 5 days before final exam:
36556418yj2 gif

 4 days before final exam:
15410495gt7 gif

3 days before
61370226jb0 gif

2 days before
 82556919ec0 gif
 1 days before
 12551693jd2 gif

 A night before final exam
 83771123fm7 gif

 1 hour before final exam:
 97461205gx4 gif

 During final exam:
 57547119kr6 gif

 Once walk of the exam hall:
 29551892mq5 gif

 After final exam, during holiday:
 35787142dz1 gif  

credit : AT


  1. hahahahahhaha! just like ...

  2. aq rasa macam aq gak la
    tu SPM x dpt perfect score
    i just got 7A 2B
    sdeyyyyyy siot!!!

  3. ad vid dsdiakan an???
    anyway.. aq suker yg bling meja 2uh.. XD

  4. hahaha! im kind of this student... kekeke!!!

  5. mmg aku ar... sbb tu mlingkop habes xm... tp aku rasa kalo act mcm ni xdenye dpt 7A 2B...

  6. Ada la sikit2.....biasa la kan..
