Thursday 24 March 2011

AKu Stress dgn Seni Light Graffiti

By Me-X

Kali ni, Me-X nak show you guys something abnormal. 

This magnificent artist is Ben Matthews (actually, he’s a dentist!). The technique he uses is called light painting, atau light drawing or light graffiti. It is a photographic technique in which exposures are made usually at night or in a darkened room by moving a hand-held light source or by moving the camera. In other words, kita guna lilin, glowsticks or firecrackers dalam gelap then SNAP the pic..hasil nya??? ini contohnya:

This pic (below) is the coolest .... @.@

Nak belajar mcm ner buat ni? Sila la rujuk ke websites yang Me-X refer utk entry kali ni..

Technique and equipment

*Baca sendiri ye...hehehh...

A variety of light sources can be used, ranging from simple flashlights to dedicated devices like the Hosemaster, which uses a fiber optic light pen. Other sources of light including candles, matches, lighter flints, glowsticks, and Poi are also popular.

A tripod is usually necessary due to the long exposure times involved. Alternatively, the camera may be placed on or braced against a table or other solid support. A shutter release cable or self timer is generally employed in order to minimize camera shake. Color Gels can also be used to color the light sources.
Manual focus is often used since autofocus systems may not perform well in low light. In addition, photographers often use a slow film speed or low ISO setting on a digital sensor to minimize grain (or digital noise) and increase exposure tolerance, as evaluating exposure is often tricky. 

Aperture is also an important variable in light painting. Smaller apertures such as f16 or f22 generate a sharper image and preserve a large depth of field, creating deep focus. This technique requires longer exposure times but creates interesting results. Larger apertures such as f5.6 or f2.8 often blur the lines drawn by a light pen or LED source. []

Please visit these websites for more information.

Credits to:

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