Tuesday 22 March 2011

Aku Stress dgn POTRAIT ini

Wanna know why I'm stressed out with these two pictures? Guess how this person created these portraits? Bukan dilukis, bukan teknik Collage yo...DIE GUNE SKRU!! Screw !! (not screw U k, haha)

 [Tabah !! memang penyabar tahap kuasa 3 petala langit...hebat!]

okay, si pencipta seni menye-crew ni nama nya, Andrew Myers. I guess (or damn sure) he must be one of the most patient artists around – he creates stunning 3-dimensional portraits by drilling 8,000 to 10,000 individual screws (WTH!)  into a plywood panel, then paints over the head of each screw to enhance the 3D effect. Respect dan tabik ala Hitler Me-X dgn mamat ni...

Korang rasa, brpa harga seni die ni ?? msti ada jugak org nak beli kan...kalau gua, Me-X jual ... RM 5000 ke atas...LOL

Credits to:


  1. giler ah!! memang penyabar habis si pembuatnye!!

  2. Me-X: tu la pasal..bygkan nak pasang 8000 skru kat dinding..ish3...
